Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Vitamin Shampoo & Conditioner

Do you want a good hairday, every day of the week? Even on those days you don’t have time to ‘do’ your hair? Well, look no further than these shampoos and conditioners.
I tried the Green variety, it said ‘healing’ on the bottle and that sold it for me. The healing energy shampoos and conditioners is a superfruit formula infused with high potency vitamins as well as Gogi berry and Green Tea to heal the hair. Avocado promises to hydrate and balance the hair.
These products smell amazing, and my hair still smelled fresh at bedtime. You only need a very tiny amount to wash your hair, and it foams a lot, which is what I want from a shampoo. Another thing I want is for my hair to feel squeaky clean once it’s washed, and this shampoo does that.
I’ve noticed that Clicks are currently selling these shampoos at a ridiculously low price, so if you’ve always wanted it, but could never afford it, now is the time to stock up. I do hope that this is not one of those products that will be discontinued out of the blue, but the packer at Clicks assured me that they are only changing the packaging, therefore the price.

1 comment:

  1. I have been unable to find these shampoos and conditioner..do you have pictures of the new bottles I loved this stuff just started trying it when they stopped selling it in these familiar bottles
